REI Cashflow Formula

Real estate investing can be FUN – lets make it happen together!

Where Real Estate Investors, Lenders, and Resources, connect to grow and support each other


Where community is


Where collaboration is


Where knowledge is


Where wealth is


We grow better and stronger when we work


We believe in solving problems and creating opportunities at all levels within real estate. Whether you are a beginner, ready to expand to the next level, consider yourself an expert or have no interest in real estate investing, but want to grow your wealth – you have come to the RIGHT place!

We are in this together


Share your real estate deals, provide feedback on how to do something different, problem solve, make connections and make things happen. We are ready to review opportunities to see if it’s a deal, get creative with the way a deal is structured, find lending to follow through and help with a potential partnership exit strategy. Real estate does not have to be a solo sport- we enjoy working tougher!

REI Cashflow Formula – Join our GROWING community to collaborate, educate and grow wealth!

3,589 Members

And counting!

And counting!

We support each other

Education and Growth

Join us for collaborative group calls or individual strategy sessions. Learn about amortization tables, marketing, analyzing deals, the magic of creative financing, why and how to make lending your end game, how short-term rentals work, why wobbly boxes (mobile homes) are great investments, how to market, learn to excel at negotiation, set up business structures, support effective management of bookkeeping (we hear you groaning), how to remodel – and so much more! We can work with you to review deals, partner with your deals to support lending opportunities, manage the owner financing process – we can make it happen!
We meet real estate investors where they are and support the growth of knowledge along their journey. Whether you are a beginner figuring out where to start for your first deal or have many deals and want to learn more about creative solutions, we are here to support!

We are better together


Our favorite part! We may have what you need, you may connect us with the perfect opportunity. We may introduce you to the excited buyer of an owner finance deal, you may have a fabulous contractor. Life is meant to be shared – lets share the adventures and journeys of real estate. And have fun along the way!

Lending Opportunities


If you are looking for ways to grow your wealth without commitment, you are in the right place! We support higher-than-average returns, secured by properties and/or notes. We do all the work to find and manage properties, whether its short-term, long-term, or owner financing and work in partnership with lenders who provide the capital. We analyze all properties within our deal analyzer to verify the success of the deal, making all transactions a win-win-win scenario.
Whether you have funds in an IRA, retirement account, in a savings account or under your mattress, we would appreciate the opportunity to connect and share what and how we collaborate and make money work for all of us! Join us for an introduction call to learn more – and check back in often, the Lending Opportunities page on the REI Cashflow Formula website is updated frequently.

REI Cashflow Formula
Introduction Call

Interested in learning more?

Join us for a 30 minute introduction call to chat about who we are, the community we have created with collaboration and support, what we do and how we can work together for knowledge and wealth growth. We are better together – education, coaching, deal partners, lending and more – join us!

Sign up below!


The information contained on this website is for general information purposes only. Nothing on this website is intended as investment, legal, tax or accounting strategy or advice or constitutes an offer to sell, solicit or buy securities. Any projections discussed or made may not be accurate and do not guarantee a specific outcome. All projections of investments are subject to risk due to uncertainty and change, including the risk of loss, and past performance is not indicative of future results. You should make independent decisions and seek independent advise regarding investments or strategies mention on this website.

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